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Chesterfield Drainage Professionals

Drainage is an incredibly important consideration when maintaining your yard. An effective drainage system will ensure that your lawn can withstand rainfall and melting snow without flooding. Flooding and unmanaged runoff will put undue strain on your plants, grass, and soil, easily undoing any landscaping work that you’ve previously put in. Standing water near your home’s foundation can cause severe damage and can lead to cracks or leaks in your home.

The team at Midwest Lawn Co focuses on drainage as we help clients plan the optimal outdoor space for their home or business. We know how serious and expensive drainage-related issues can be, so we make sure that we’ve accounted for factors such as expected average rainfall, the impact of rainy seasons, and snow runoff. In doing so, Midwest Lawn Co‘s drainage specialists can make a plan to facilitate an efficient path for water to drain from your lawn. To speak with a member of our team about how we can help you, call us today at (636) 220-9991. You can also reach us online by filling out a contact form. We service lawns throughout the West County suburbs.

Chesterfield Drainage Services

Depending on specific factors of your landscape such as layout, grading, soil, and plant varieties, our team of drainage professionals can help you find the best solutions to address drainage issues before they become serious problems. The following are some of the drainage services that Midwest Lawn Co offers:

  • Specialist Consultation – One of our specialists will evaluate your lawn and determine the most efficient and effective drainage solution.
  • Surface or Subsurface Drainage – For some lawns more simple solutions such as lawn grading can help to drain water from the surface of a lawn. However, in more complex situations, your outdoor space may benefit more from installing a subsurface drainage system.
  • French Drains – A french drain can act as a drainage system as well as a design element. A french drain is a trench, typically filled with rock or stone on the surface, and beneath the rock lays a perforated pipe that catches the water than falls into the trench and carries it to lower ground.
  • Pond Edge Stabilization – If you have a pond or water feature in your yard, it is essential to protect the rest of your yard from overflow or flooding. Ensuring that you have a pond wall and a path for water to drain in the event of a flood are two critical ways to avoid problems later on.
  • Channel Drains and Surface Grating – Especially prevalent and useful for business owners, these drains can be installed to catch water from the surface and of a deck, parking lot, or lawn to manage areas of flowing water.
  • Landscape Erosion Control – Erosion control is a subtle strategy for drainage management. In simply strategically using plants that help the soil retain nutrients, your soil will be less prone to becoming compacted.

No matter which services you have in mind, our professionals are ready to speak with you and help you create a drainage system that keeps your landscape and overall property healthy.

Causes of Drainage Problems

There are plenty of reasons that a lawn could have drainage issues. For some people, a flaw in the initial design can create ongoing problems other people may just need to perform some maintenance on their existing drainage design. The following are some common causes of drainage issues:

  • Improper lawn grading (lawn slope)
  • Too few outlets for excess water
  • Depressions in your lawn
  • Broken or malfunctioning sprinkler system
  • Unexpectedly high amounts of rainfall
  • Excess thatch, or plant debris
  • Compacted soil preventing water absorption
  • Cracked gutters
  • Poorly installed gutters

If you notice standing water in your lawn that remains in a puddle for over 24 hours, this could be an indication of a larger problem. In addition to this, you may notice the distinct smell of stagnant water. Don’t ignore the signs, reach out to a drainage specialist to discuss solutions.

Lawn Grading or Regrading

Lawn grading or the slope of your lawn is incredibly important in managing drainage effectively. An experienced landscaping team will consider this in their initial plans to ensure that a landscape can effectively withstand rainfall and snowfall depending on the climate. If your lawn was not designed with this in mind, our team could help correct this.

Additionally, natural erosion and weathering can diminish the initial grading of a lawn. In this instance, regrading service can help restore the slope of your lawn or property to avoid water pooling and flooding.

In addition to making sure damaging flooding is avoided, grading and regrading services ensure that your other plants can thrive without shouldering the burden of excess water. This will stretch your landscaping dollars even further.

Costs of Drainage Problems

There are many factors which could lead to flooding and drainage complications. Unfortunately, many novice landscapers fail to account for drainage opportunities during the design phase. If your lawn is not built with drainage in mind, the following issues could occur:

  • Mosquito infestation
  • Excess mud
  • Damage to hardscaping
  • Foundation cracking
  • Plant Rot
  • Mildew and mold
  • Stunted plant growth

Some of these issues, like an excess of mosquitoes, are merely a nuisance while others, like a cracked foundation, are incredibly costly. If you notice signs of drainage problems in your lawn, do not hesitate to consult with a drainage specialist, it could save you a considerable amount of money.

Contact a Chesterfield Drainage Expert

Our team at Midwest Lawn Co understands that effective landscaping is more than the appearance of the lawn, but how well it can withstand elements like rain and snow. In Missouri, because we have the benefit of experiencing a range of weather events, we need to set our lawns up for success by making sure drainage features are in place. Whether you need help with residential or commercial property, our landscaping specialists are ready to offer solutions. Call us today at (636) 220-9991 or contact us online to discuss your needs.